59Minutes: A review

September 29, 2006

It’s a truly good show (ok, this is my first play and Emily more or less bullied me into watching this, but please ignore that), but it was a truly enjoyable show. I missed Rojak, the play earlier this year due to work commitments, but I would have been damned if I missed this one too, especially since it was supposed to be done within 59 minutes. And it’s no mean feat. They DID do it within 59 Minutes, and boy was it worth EVERY SECOND.

Before we begin, I would like to THANK Emily for inviting me. It was great seeing you again (and yes, I DO realise I looked like an aunty, and I have to say again: I forgot I was going out in the evening when I got dressed today, SO THERE!). It was also a surprise to see Marvin Wong acting in this play; I had no idea that Marvin was even remotely connected to this whole thing (Nick, you SOOOOO missed a great time. He glomped me. HE GLOMPED ME. Damnit, I should have done that, but that would betray my status as an aunty… WAIT! WHAT AM I SAYING?? *Headdesks*)

In any case, the play consisted of 7 shorts; some a monologues, others a story. I loved all of them, though some more than others. Emily, whoever did the arranging of the shorts should be given an award. It was PERFECT.

Ok, /end spazz.

/Begin spoiler

The play began with a rather interesting but slightly mundane Best Foot Forward. This was a short, simple, and easy-to-understand story that left you wondering if it was meant as a subtle commentary on the world. I love things that can be taken in two different levels or more, and this was certainly one of them. Tell you what… Pak Lah and Dr M should have watched this. It would have been great.

This was followed by a very witty and sharp commetary on society by Lam Wai Yee, in Mother Tongue. She switched between accents very well, and her delivery and comic timing was very nicely done. Snob? Yes. Victim? Yes. Airhead? Yes. Evil wife? DEFINITELY. This was a really good short with a theme of infidelity that led surprisingly well into the next.

Fruitcake was the name of the next short, and it was intense. Sharanya Manivannan was excellent as Lisa, and her voice, and more importantly, the emotions she carried in her voice was nothing short of amazing. There are a few pop culture references (with poor Vinolan Batsalaruban taking most of the jokes) but it was a very well done play. I felt like crying and going up to the stage to hug her; that was how intense the short was. I had to blink rapidly to cover it, yet I felt enraged as well.

Showers of Flowers is my favourite of the lot. Krystle, or was it Doreen, who played the part of the flowergirl, was heart-wrenching. The look on her face, abandoned and pleading, made you want to reach out and take whatever she’s offering, for she’s not selling, nor is she buying. She’s not being calculative; she just wants to give a flower to you. Accepting it may have made you feel like a millionaire; if only to see a (potentially) joyful look on her face. But no on took the flower in the end; I suppose none of us knew whether we should have (that’s a commentary I shall leave to later).

Track was… surreal. And scary. And on so many levels. More later. :p

The World’s Smelliest Durian. Think big durian, only more tongue in cheek and more true to life. More on this later after my bath.

Finally, The Ground Floor, which didn’t make sense. Well, not very, but I loved it for the themes. What are they? Ah, that you’ll have to see it to understand.

So what are you waiting for? It runs only till Sunday! Don’t miss it!

Being held at:

The Dram Projects
BG06 Happy Mansion Apts
Jalan 17/13

For tickets, call Louisa Low @ 0163757833


4 Responses to “59Minutes: A review”

  1. Sharanya said

    Hi — came here through your friend who left a comment on my blog. I’m so glad you enjoyed the play. Thank you so much for your kind words! Doing “Fruitcake” was a real challenge — but so rewarding. Gary Ooi’s script truly kicked ass. 🙂

    Oh yeah – Krystle was the flower girl.

    Thanks for your support!

  2. Wai Yee (a.k.a. E) said

    Wow! I am almost in tears reading your response to Showers of Flowers. I feel like such a proud Mama. *sniff*

    And thanks for the flattering comments on Mother Tongue too. *wink-wink*

  3. You’re welcome. I really enjoyed the play; but Showers of Flowers killed me with it’s story and acting.

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