The 43rd post for Malaysia!

November 1, 2006

Ah dang! And here I thought that I missed this lovely little side project during November, but it looks like my onii-chan got me.

What is it about Malaysia that makes it so special to me?

Besides the usual stuff that Malaysia is a multi-cultural country and the like, what I love most about it is the ease of making friends. It’s easy to make friends in Malaysia, with most (if not in the city, at least in the countryside) eager to sit down and talk with you. It’s not that hard to strike up a conversation with anyone in Malaysia, (unless you’re a guy trying to start a chat with a talk and you go into suspicious territories…) and it’s so easy that it’s sometimes unbelievable.

At the same time, it’s also very easy to go out for a drinks with friends and talk about everything under the moon (simply because most mamak sessions are held at night these days), without fear or censure. Of course, the lines are drawn when there’s an actual fight, but in many cases, it’s very easy to get together and drink. Teh milo, teh ais (Milo + tea and iced tea respectively) and lots of other drinks and foods. Unlike other countries, staying out at all hours just for a chat has spawned a name that has defined most Malaysians; mamak.

Furthermore, in day to day relations, what religion you are plays a part in only deciding where you want to eat. If there Muslims in the groups, then a halal eatery would be the best bet. If there were Buddhists, then it would be non-meat (if applicable) and if Hindus, no beef. This is hardly as repressive as it sounds; it actually serves as a good way for members of the different races to mingle and learn more about culture, with addition of being a pretty cheap way of filling both your body and brain at the same time.

Being a child of mixed heritage, I simply love discovering new cultures, and Malaysia is like a springboard into learning the intricacies of the other people of the world. This country is fascinating, and really, it’s like an Onion. The more you peel it, the more layers you find, but be careful. While the process of learning about human cultures is fascinating, more than once I’ve found my beliefs and faith tested. While the process is not easy, it is, however, enlightening, and it will make you learn about yourself more as a human being.

Of course, this can certainly be seen in some of the more outspoken Malaysian youths today. They’re vocal, know what they want, and how to get it. And more importantly, they love this country enough to want to help her, not hinder her. SO LISTEN TO HER, MALAYSIA! God knows these are your children you’re bringing into the world; we don’t need to be coddled, we need to be allowed to learn, listen, guide, lead.

The Malaysian youths of today is a mixed batch of apatheticness and patriotism; most of us have learnt that it takes more than flag waving and National Day parades. It’s putting our money where our mouth is.

So the next person I’m suggesting to take on this challenge is Tiara! She may not be a citizen, but I’ll be damned if I find anyone who loves this country more than she does. Ti, you have 7 days from 2 November 2006 till 9 November 2006 to complete this mission (posting the 42nd post for Malaysia). 🙂

9 Responses to “The 43rd post for Malaysia!”

  1. Actually, she’s posting the 42nd post. We’re counting backwards.

  2. Dear Naoko,

    Sorry for replying here. I couldn’t find your email on this blog. Anyways, thanks for the contribution. However, its a little early before the deadline that EW gave ya since it was meant to be posted by the 10th. of this month.

    The problem lies in this – the 50 posts are meant to fall on a weekly basis from when it started. If we do this right, the last post will fall on 31.08.2007. 🙂

    If you are early, the other person will have to post early… Tiara’s deadline should be 17th. November, 2006 if I take EW’s deadline to you. So if you can, post this post on 3.11.2006 and tag Tiara so that she posts on the 17.11.2006 and so on and so forth.

    The rules of the Project in short:

    (1) You must tag the next person that you think would provide a good contribution to ’50 Posts to Independence’. Just make sure the same conditions apply to them, i.e:

    (a) they tag the next person;
    (b) they have 7 days to post once they are tagged; and
    (c) all posts are posted by or before the ‘deadline’ but the next ‘deadline’ is calculated 7 days from the ‘deadline’ that the previous person who tagged them had. (Hope that made sense)

    Basically, if we do this right, the 50th post should fall on 31.08.2007. I would love to see where the 50th post ultimately ends up.

    (2) So try and tag a person who is as far out as you can think of, only caveat being that they are as Malaysian as possible. 🙂 By that I don’t mean, they have to be a Malaysian citizen … just Malaysian in spirit.

    P.S. Feel free to delete this if you think this shouldn’t appear on the web … or mail me if you have any queries. Sorry for the confusion. Cheers

  3. […] And for context, read numbers [50] [49] [48] [47] [46] [45] [44] [43] [42] [41] [40]. […]

  4. […] so far – 50 (you just read it), 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34 Independence Malaysia MerdekaLicenseThis work is published […]

  5. […] 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32,31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, […]

  6. sashi-isms said

    50 Posts to Independence – No 7

    Lucky number 7. I’ve been tagged by Peter Tan to participate in the 50 Posts To Independence project initiated by Nizam Bashir. And yes, I know I’m late. But isn’t doing something at the last minute a very Malaysian thing to do?

  7. […] 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32,31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, […]

  8. […] are the others that preceded me. 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32,31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, […]

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